Moment horse whisperer arrested after stabbing husband to death
A horse whisperer wept and called her husband a cruel b as she was arrested for stabbing him in the back and killing him. Christine Rawle, 69, was today convicted of the murder of 72yearold Ian after attacking him with a knife at their home in Braunton in Devon in August 2022. The equine expert told police who arrested her she had acted after years of abuse, telling officers: He just pushed me and pushed me and pushed me. He tortures me. I tried to get away many times. I wanted a Rawle did not give evidence during the trial but her legal team insisted she was acting in selfdefence following years of physical and psychological abuse from her husband. But on Friday a jury at Exeter Crown Court found her guilty of his murder after hearing how she had acted in a fit of temper at their 800, 000 home. The court heard the couple had a dysfunctional marriage and likened them to the Roald Dahl characters The Twits. In police bodyworn footage s