X Men vs Invisibl Skratch Piklz July 27, 1996 Head to Head Round
Head to head competition is where the XMen thrived. When we trained we practiced for scenarios in which wed battle DJs one on one, in 60 to 90 second spurts. That was our comfort zone and comfortable we were. To the credit of the Piklz, they brought it too. We always considered Mike to be the biggest threat. After the example he made of his competition in 1992s Clark Kent Supermen Battle we knew hed bring it. But it was also dope seeing QBert apply his skills within the frame work of a head to head style battle. Up until then Q was known as a scratcher. And so seeing him bust into his own style of Beat Juggling was a treat to watch. Then there was Shortkut. Although Short repped ISP, his style was influenced by the XMen. Thus, we viewed Short as you would a cousin. He may of not been immediate family but he was family nonetheless so clashing with him on the turntables was the weirdest feeling for us. Its a battle tho and our strong connection to those 3 dudes had to take a back se