Basic Shiatsu Techniques, Shiatsu Massage
Full Playlist: Like these Massage lessons Check out the official app Watch more How to Give a Shiatsu Massage videos: These are some basic shiatsu techniques. The first one is called kembiki. It s a gentle rocking motion. It s a great way for the nervous system to release and to start a session by letting the whole body become weighted into the floor. It s just a very gentle rocking, and it can be used all over the body, different areas in the leg, in the back. I m really just letting the body respond to that gently push, and then it s like I was skimming the surface of water. The body just responds. That s called kembiki The next technique is pressure, and this can be used with the thumbs with the palms, or knees or elbows. Basically, the reason that I m worki