City Walks Fargo North Dakota Virtual Walking Tour Downtown Fargo
, walkingtour, citywalks, virtualwalk, treadmillworkout, treadmillscenery, virtualtreadmill, NDLegendary, FargoND Downtown Fargo really surprised us in how cool it is. There are so many great restaurants, brewpubs, bars, and hotels downtown. I expected the neighborhood north of downtown to be a bit more posh but it was so relaxing and quiet that I really enjoyed it, even on a rainy day. I hope you enjoy this walk around the north half of the downtown. H Patreon: One time Contribution: Instagram: citywalksvirtualtravel Facebook: Twitter: walkscity You might be interested in our other Channels: CityWalks360 360 VR walking videos: TravelingMel FamilyTravel Nature Relaxation Therapy Gear: Either this one: or else with: and Wiki