Lost Frequencies Rise ( Official Music Video)
Here s my first release on Sony Music So happy with my new track Rise, hope you guys are too Stream Rise now on all dsp s: Rise cultivates itself as an instantlyknown Lost Frequencies track, thanks to an emotive vocal and strippedback rhythms. From toplines that come with a message of relation with Its been a hard year, it soon explodes with a lightattheendofthetunnel positivity. As Gonna make my way right through the clouds, I rise motions to the feelgood ethos we need right now Let me know what you think in the comments below , LostFrequencies, Rise, SonyDebut Follow Lost Frequencies: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: CREDITS Agency: Wolfstreet wolfstreetagency Creative direction graphics: Celis Jansen Joeri Worm wearemoire Director: Tommie Geraedts tommieger