80 Year Old Recreates Her Younger Face: A MAKEOVERGUY Makeover
My mother, Joann Hopkins, has been putting her face on since she was a teenager. Other than in these videos I have never seen her not completely put together. Life hasn t always been easy for her. But as she has always said, I can t control everything, but I can control how I She also goes into surgery in full makeup. She just says, if it bothers you, you will have to take it off when I m asleep. So far, they have not. By the end of this video, you will see how this 80yearold recreates her younger face Enjoy. Be the FIRST to know when a NEW MAKEOVERGUY makeover episode comes out by SUBSCRIBING NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Thank you for helping us continue to uplift with entertainment, inspire with beauty, and inform with integrity. And please, share the love Below are all the products Joann, The Wardrobe Woman, used to create her younger face: WIG: PRIMER: FOUNDATION: POWDER: