DAN, BLAIR; you could be the greatest thing that has happened to me
you could be the greatest thing that has happened to me Ok, so yesterday I was trying to repimp one of my older ipods when this song just randomly spoke to me. It was so DAIRish, that I HAD to vid it and thus, an hour or so later (even after my Shortlived preview) it was DONE Yeah. TOTALLY. MOTIVATED. ALSO, Dan and Blair are perfect for each other. Those who says otherwise are just kidding themselves; ) SIDENOTE, watching all those DB scenes makes me wonder if this was PLANNED ALL ALONG If it isn t, then this has got to be one of those mindfuckery coincidences XD DESCRIPTION: DAN AND BLAIR ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. THERE. SONG USED: DON T HOLD YOUR BREATH BY ATHLETE Enjoy and comments are LOOOVE liza PS; yeah, my watermark is at a slightly different place HAD TO since someone s been taking my clips OH. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. HONORS:, 73 Most Discussed (Today) Film An br, br,