Zombies Ate My Neighbors TC as of 29, 03, 2021
Support me on Patreon (Monthly Demos) Hi Sorry for the left border showing up in the video, it is a cropping error but renderizing everything again would take several hours more than it already took, so I ll have to let it like that. Also I can thank enough to everyone who has been or at any time supported me on Patreon. Especially those people who have been sticking with me even when I had to take a hiatus for a couple of months. But hopefully this year continue the progress in this proyect without too much problem Download: ZDoom thread: And if you want to know what s new, here is the details + ZAMNMAIN (28th March, 2021) Modding Added a Pick, Death Script (aka SurvivorScript ) argument to the SurvivorSpawns, which lets the ma