Crush Amuto SC Thanks 2900+ subs
First of all, I d like to dedicate this to my awesome 2900 + subs, thanks a bunch guys. ;) Also, this is my present for some I know I m late, sorry guys. Happy (belate) Bday Kris MewAzumi Arte LaCosaPiuDolce1 Tiff poccamachco212 Jenny kittygirl121 Kathie kathi890615 Her bday is today. So I m not late. xD HAPPY BDAY GUYS, I LUV YA ALL. Well ok, back to the video, omg, have been working on this since fooooorever and finally I m able to upload the full version. I know, I cut the song again, sorry, but I really had no more inspiration, I was sick of the song, so bear with me please. P It didn t turn out as I expected, but blah, at least it s done. xD Hope you like it anyways PS : There are a few errors, but I didn t feel like rerendering, since it took forever. Nvm that please. xD VIDEO INFO Footage : SC Amuto