Chat Pile Wicked Puppet Dance ( Official Music Video)
Order God s Country: European store: Digital: Subscribe to The Flenser Channel: Artist: Chat Pile Album: God s Country Track: Wicked Puppet Dance Album out July 29th 2022. Director: Laine (laterstv) Producer: Julius (juliustherobot) Graphics: Tye Puppet created by Spirit Ditch Toy Co. (spiritditchtoyco) His skin is all fucked up but he cooked a nice batch Everywhere in the walls new roach babies hatch She says vein stuff freaks her out so I keep quiet Everyone says they cant handle vein stuff til they try it Gods Eyes Taste Lips Red Phos Death Cum Falling from the cross, I am held up by strings Cant stop dancing A wicked puppet A wicked puppet Tried to fuck me, called me a liar So I shot him in the head, set the house on fire Gods Eyes Taste Lips Re