Iain Valliere SPEAKS on Pec Issue at Toronto Pro what he s doing about it
Iain Valliere Winner of the 2023 Toronto Pro has released a video discussing the much talked about Pec Issue naming the video nErVe dAmAge uPdAtE. Also in this video I direct what Iain has had to say + what is the best option for Iain Stem Cells Massage Rest Training changes OR was he Flat at the 2023 Toronto Pro What do YOU think the issue is with Iain Vallieres Chest what would YOU do Powered by MuscleTech Full Video on Iain Valliere s instagram Image Credit , , F O L L O W , , X A V I E R S I G , , F O L L O W , , D E S K T O P B O D Y B U I L D I N G S IG , , TIK TOK , IainValliere, TorontoPro, Bodybuilding