Humanity is in Danger EVERYBODY S Help is Needed, Sparsh Shah. Rapper, singer, Songwriter
Humanity is at the Сrossroads We are at a unique point of choice. Each of us has a great responsibility to the next generation. Not since the dawn of our civilization has the question of LIFE and DESTINY of humankind and the planet itself been so critically faced Right now, all of us are hurtling towards death at full speed. Every day we inevitably bring closer the destruction of the Earth and humanity. But we can still choose to live. There is hope, but only by uniting in love and creation will we begin to treat each other and our planet fairly. This vital message came from Sparsha Shah on July 24, 2021 at the conference Global Crisis. It Already Affects Everyone, held on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement. People all over the world had the opportunity to hear this incredibly inspiring speech in 72 languages.