7 BEST GIN COCKTAILS (and How to Make Them with 10 Ingredients ) VOL. 1
I wrote a cocktail book The Best Gin Cocktails as voted by YouTube subscribers, Redditors and Facebook fans I compiled a list of 25+ of the most popular gin cocktails and asked for everyone s input to vote for their personal favourite GIN Cocktail. There were over 250 respondents to the survey resulting in the Best Gin Cocktails list Given the number of responses received, I decided to create a miniseries for The Best Gin Cocktails. This is Vol. 1. BUY MY BOOK: ANDROID APP: iOS APP: 10 ESSENTIAL BOTTLES: INGREDIENTS LIST FOR ALL 7 GIN COCKTAILS: Gin (London Dry, Old Tom) Maraschino Liqueur Creme de Violette Creme de Mure Champagne, Sparkling Wine Lemon Juice Simple Syrup (1:1) So br, br,