Dewey And Wife At Stratford Upon Avon (1950)
Unissued, Unused material. Governor Thomas Dewey and wife visit StratforduponAvon. Warwickshire. Pan down cottage. LS row of cottages, pan up to thatch. CU thatched window, pan down to door. CU Wild Thyme on door. CU s sign for The Shakespeare Hotel. Various shots of the hotel. Various shots as they get out of car and go into hotel. MS and CU Dewey in room. CU cameraman. MS Mr and Mrs Dewey walking along road. CU sign for Shakespeare s Birthplace Trust, MS of the couple looking at it. Travelling shot from car driving down road. They get out at row of cottages. Various shots Ann Hathaway s cottage ( ). LS going up to cottage. MS s walking in grounds, pan to cottage. CU peacock. LS visitors admiring peacock in grounds of Warwick Castle. MS young man in fancy American shirt, pan to peacock. Various shots Mr and Mrs Dewey being shown around Warwick Castle. Various shots Harvard House. Various shots of them touring Stratford. Various shots Deweys in ground of Shakespeare s Birthplace with secr