Baphomet Enn Meditation Chant Also The Goat of Mendes, The Sabbath
Baphomet Enn Meditation Chant Magick audio of Baphomets enn, 108 Repetitions. Baphomet sigil. Enn: Ave Baphomet Oli Omnium Hominium Pacis Abbas Solve Et Coagula. Some practitioners perceive Baphometh as Abraxas, To others as part of the members of 09a as Khali Ma (or Lilith). For some people is an archetype (egregore) of the human being in the alchemical transmutation in God (beyond duality: male, female, good, bad, up, down, creation, destruction). Other attributions are Satan, The Sabbath Lord, Pan, The Horned Other names: The Sabbath Goat, The Goat of Mendes the Greek name for Djedet, Egypt Historically, the deity that was venerated at Egyptian Mendes was a ram deity, Banebdjedet (literally Ba of the lord of djed, and titled the Lord of Mendes ), who was the soul of Osiris. Lévi combined the images of the Tarot of Marseilles Devil card and refigured the ram Banebdjed as a hegoat, further imagined by him as copulator in Anep and