Cannibals Arrested Aka New Guinea Murder (1959)
Title reads: New Guinea Murder Cannibals Arrested. Papua New Guinea. Assistant District Officer Alan Jeffreys leads police patrol through jungle in New Guinea in search of murderer. The police enter grass hut and haul out tribesmen suspect. C, U Jeffreys handcuffing two tribesmen, camera pans up to their faces. M, S Jeffreys with a witness, he asks the man to point out which of tribesman is the murderer, the witness points to one of the men. Pan from witness to suspects. Jeffreys leads the tribesmen from through the jungle to be brought to justice. Panning L, S the party crossing fast flowing river. G, V party trekking back through jungle. The tribesmen are accused of killing a white policeman and eating him. Narrator ends by saying: During their detention they ll be taught the ways of white men, so that when they return home they ll be able to reclaim others from savagery. NB: commentary could be viewed as racist. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANN