Automation tools don t fix bad processes, Al Wagner ( HCL)
Приглашаем на DevOpsConf 2024, которая пройдет 4 и 5 марта 2024 в Москве. Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: Профессиональная конференция по интеграции процессов разработки, тестирования и эксплуатации DevOps Live 2020 Тезисы и презентация: So often, organizations working to adopt DevOps initially focus on selecting tools and manipulating their choices to automate bad practices hoping to maximize efficiency. Automation is the easy part. But without culture transformation and process optimization, an organization will never realize their true potential. Optimizing the system as a whole a system made up of people, processes and tools means reviewing, questioning and potentially changing how things are across the entire lifecycle. During this meetup, lets collaborate on techniques to change culture, the value of mapping the value stream, and the automation tools available to help. Нашли ошибку в видео Пишите нам на