The End of Cheap Oil and The Rise of the Scythe
Note: See also the updated version a couple of scenes have been reedited and I was unable to replace the old file with the new one, so I posted the new here: You can post comments to either page. Enjoy A 14yearold girl with a scythe cutting circles around a tractor equipped with a mowing machine Farfetched Today perhaps. Tomorrow the use of simple hand tools will make increasing sense in direct proportion to the rising costs, economic and otherwise, of operating oildependent machinery. Long live the power of human bodies There is no trick photography in this video; it is a genuine documentary of the efficiency of this ecological tool, the scythe. Not all scythes are created equal, however, and many viewers may wonder how the heavy old scythe hanging in the shed could be used like the one in this video. For more information, please visit