Emma Stevens Blackbird by The Beatles sung in Mikmaq
The International Year of Indigenous Languages is a United Nations observance in 2019 that aims to raise awareness of the consequences of the endangerment of Indigenous languages across the world, with an aim to establish a link between language, development, peace, and reconciliation. To bring awareness to this important cause students at Allison Bernard Memorial High School in Eskasoni, Cape Breton recorded Paul McCartney s Blackbird in their native Mi kmaq language. Songwriter: Paul McCartney Translation: Katani Julian and Albert Golydada Julian Music Production: Carter Chiasson Audio Production: Jamie Foulds (Soundpark Studios) Video Production: Matthew Ingraham and Multimedia 12 students from ABMHS Project Lead, Music Teacher: Carter Chiasson Putliskiej Kimesk, , LYRICS: Putliskiej wapinintoq Kinamasi telayjatimk tel pitawsin eskimatimusipnek nike mnjasin Putliskiej wapinin