5 newborn goats take first leaps
Two of our goat mamas kidded yesterday and the babies were all a little bit stuck, but we managed to get them all out safely Today I let them out for their first mini adventure beyond their stall with their mamas. They did great Except, they seem a little stuck in reverse And the step at the back of the barn is still a challenge. Soon they will be leaping like the other 18 kids in the barn Rosa had a multicolored buckling named Sherman (for a Maine bookstore on National Independent Bookstore Day) and an all black doeling named Petunia (because it is national Pigs in a Blanket Day ). Abby had three does: a golden one Biscuit (for National Pigs in a Blanket Day), a black doe with frosted ears named Penny (for teach kids to save day) and Annie who is black with lots of fun white patterns (named for another chain of New England bookstores to celebrate Independent Bookstore Day ) Thanks for visiting farm friends. Read more about our Farm philosophy and check out our live barn cam here: