Have we reached peak TCFD Douglas Johnston presents EY findings on TCFD disclosure
View event details and register here: The UKs Green Finance Strategy set out Governments expectation for all listed companies and large asset owners to disclose in line with the TCFD recommendations by 2022. In the meantime, Government began exploring the appropriateness of making the TCFD recommendations mandatory. Government will publish an interim report by the end of 2020. The report will examine progress on the implementation of the TCFD recommendations. In anticipation of Governments report, we will debate whether the UK has reached Peak TCFD, a turning point where the Task Forces recommendations have surpassed a critical mass for mainstream adoption. Confirmed speakers: Doug Johnston Partner, EY Climate Change and Sustainability Edward Dean Sustainability Director, LandSec Mardi McBrien Managing Director, CDSB Martina Macpherson SVP Strategic Partnerships Engagement, Moody s Rodney Irwin Managing Director Senior Management