Exclusive: Halo Infinite Now Vs. 2020 Campaign Comparison (4 K)
Halo Infinite s campaign is nearly here, but today we re giving you an exclusive 4K look at how the team has improved the game in the last year of development. We re touring Zeta Halo and the original demo, but this time with a new shine to it as a part of GI s massive cover story this month Halo Infinite is this month s Game Informer cover, and if you can t get enough from Master Chief and company, be sure to head over to for more , , S U B S C R I B E Don t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage Subscribe to the channel: , , FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, , , READ GAME INFORMER MAGAZINE 1 Year Digital Subscription for 1 Year Physical Subscription for , , M E