Viral Rewind
The Ukraine virus is a terminate and stay resident file infector written for DOS complete with a destructive payload. When first run it loads into memory and hooks interrupt 21h to intercept any EXE or COM files that are opened and infect them. While the virus stays in memory the size of infected files will not show any increase due to its stealth capabilities. Payload: Ukraine activates (depending on variant) on the 24th of every month of the year. When an infected file is run on the 24th, it displays a fullscreen image of the Ukrainian Coat of Arms trident against the Ukraine national flag. While doing this it uses the PC internal speaker to play a rendition of the Ukrainian national anthem (on loop). After some time it displays the following at the bottom: 24 August INDEPENDENCE DAY of UKRAINE It will also erase all sectors of the hard disk preventing the computer from booting on restart. Like the Facebook page