Close Range Iron Sights. Feat: AK103, HK93, CAR15 Range Talk
Watch latest videos, sometimes even early releases Sign up for the newsletter or These days, iron sights are mostly associated with classic type of shooting styles, but one would be mistaken to think that the servicemember of yesteryear didn t know how to fight with them. We delve into how one could use these classic military arms in a shortrange situation. Video brought to you by midwayusa You an also access the Practical Accuracy Scoreboard here Consider supporting us via Patreon Consider visiting our supporter SlateBlackIndustries Discount Code 9HOLE Shopping on Amazon Do you like sweet yet tasteful gun morale patches Shopping with this link costs you nothing, but helps support our channel Music by Tyops (THANKS ) We love mail: 9 Hole Reviews 21175 Tomball Pkwy. No. 480 Houston, Texas 77070