Jussi Bjorling : O Holy Night ( O helga natt): ( IMO the best recording of this Christmas Carol, Hymn)
Please click on the following link for an updated version of this video with improved audio quality and more pictures of This is the original 8 2 1959 mono recording. I have tried to get the best possible sound from the recording and just to give a live effect and add presence I have added applause. Jussi sings this in his native language, Swedish. The original text was from a poem called Minuit, chretiens (Midnight, christians) which was written by French wine merchant and poet Placide Cappeau in afterwards a French composer Adolphe Adam composed the music and the song was called Cantique de Noel (Song of 1855 an American Minister, John Sullivan Dwight produced the well known O Holy Night which is not really a translation but follows the spirit of the original poem. A translation to English of O Helga Natt is as follows: O holy night, o most holy moment in the world When the son of God steps do