Ive gone and made another DRAGON PUPPET
You ve been seeing this puppet being built since late 2019, and I ve finally, finally finished it She got put on hold because the event that the client needed this puppet for was of course cancelled because of the pandemic, and won t be running until 2022 now, BUT I really wanted to get her finished and out the way to make room for some new projects If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them I m always happy to help where I can. If you re interested in commissioning me for a puppet please go through my website to enquire. If you want to see updates before they re posted on Youtube, drop a couple of coins in my tip jar on Patreon: Or make a oneoff donation right here if you enjoyed the video and it helped you out with your own build: Your donations mean I can put more time into making puppets, and showing you how to make them in return