Mean Spirited (2023) Official Trailer
After receiving an invitation to his estranged friends mountain home, a wannabe influencer aims to bury the hatchet with their nowcelebrity friend who isnt quite himself anymore. Directed by Jeff Ryan (MASS HYSTERIA, YOUTHMIN), stars Michelle Veintimilla (Gotham, ABCs Big Sky and The Baker and the Beauty), Neville Archambault (13 CAMERAS, THE BLOCK ISLAND SOUND), Will Madden (BEAST BEAST), Daniel Rashid (BEAST BEAST), Will Martin (YOUTHMIN), Maria DeCotis (EUPHONIA), and Charlie Pollock (The Good Wife), in addition to Ryan, who also cowrote the film with Joe Adams (The AV Club), lensed by cinematographer Kenneth Wales (THE BETA TEST), and production design by Kelsey Hannah Walsh (DREAMKATCHER). MEAN SPIRITED is a FirstNames Films production, produced by Joe Adams and Owen Williams, executive produced by Shaked Berenson and Owen Williams, and coproduced by Jacob Andres Padilla. Gerry Pass coexecutive produced and Ryan Adams, Julia Hirsch, Charlotte Williams, and Charlie Phoenix associate