Unterwald, Myrkvid split demo 2004 blackmetal full demo
Unterwald, Myrkvid split demotape 2004 french raw pagan blackmetal 00:00 A1 Unterwald Solitaire pour un même combat 5, 51 05:51 A2 Unterwald Nature ancéstrale 5, 31 11:23 A3 Unterwald Déséspoir ancré 4, 22 15:45 A4 Unterwald Sous le signe du soleil 4, 37 20:23 B5 Myrkvid Prophécie oubliée 7, 26 27:50 B6 Myrkvid Le chant du Ragnarok 11, 45 39:35 B7 Myrkvid Thornspawn Chalice (Isengard cover) 7, 35 total playing time full album : 47, 07 side A : Unterwald from Grand Est, France : BlackWoodMajesty vox Waldpest guitars Wolf von Urwald drums side B : Myrkvid from Caen Normandy, France : Hraesvelg vox, guitars Nothgot bass Acheron drums Myrkvid from France, not to be confused with the other two french Myrkvid bands, those of the album Pleasures Of Hell and the ep Demons are inside , or the other ones of the demos Hlidskjalf and RunWita