Its Just Our Job (1963)
01:42:11 Alarm clock goes off at 7am. A hand reaches out and man turns it off. Shots of woman in a shower she is wearing a shower cap. Man in his pyjamas has a shave. At the breakfast table he eats. Now in police uniform, he picks his hat up and puts it on. He leaves his house, kissing his wife on the cheek. 01:43:07 Thames division river police climb into boats. Boat sets off from jetty. C, U of man operating the boat. The sailor policemen replace a barge s tarpaulin. Hendon police training centre. Policewoman is given special training for driving a police car. She reverses an Austin Cambridge through a narrow space. Police motorcyclists steer around an obstacle course. Policeman giving instruction to other policemen at desks. Car with chassis removed. Car chase on a slippery track. View from the car as it speeds around the track. Shots of the policeman at the wheel. 01:47:28 Traffic policemen at the scene of an accident. A man sits slumped at the wheel with blood on his h