Sami Darren Criss Little White Lie and Human with Lyrics
Sami (Track 9 A Very Starkid Album OR Track 19 Little White Lie OR Track 2 Human (Darren Criss) Out now on iTunes ) by Darren Criss with lyrics and a few lovely pictures of Darren D From the supermegafoxyawesomehot Starkid production Little White Lie (And Harry from AVPM) Lyrics to Harry from A Very Potter Musical: The way his hair falls in his eyes, makes me wonder if he ll ever see through my disguise And I m under his spell Everything is falling, And I don t know where to land. Everyone knows who he is, but they don t know who I am Harry Harry Why can t you see What you re doing to me I ve seen you conquer certain death And even when you re just standing there, You take away my breath And maybe, Some day you ll hear my song and understand that all along, there s som br, br,