TAS Item Abuse 3 in
Frames: 25528 ReRecords: 82439 Were Glitch Abuse 3 a ghost pepper, Item Abuse 3 would be the chocolate bhutlah. It is the funnest and most difficult hack I personally have ever TASed. I would like to personally thank Panga, because he is the reason I started TASing persistently in the first place way back when I made the shell abuse series as a novice hacker. This has to be one of the first hacks I ve played where no breaks seem to be found. However, like Walljump Abuse, that variable could prove to be modifiable. Panga s playthrough: The forum on the basis of IA3 can be found here: For my opinions regarding each room and their difficulty, click here: Blah blah blah tool assisted blah blah cool things. Specific TASing information can be found at I do hope you all en