Danny is fighting in the pool. Fight against 4 fighters. Unleashed
Scene from the film Unleashed (2005) Crime Boss Bart (Bob Hoskins) raises orphan Danny (Jet Li) with no knowledge of anything other than how to fight, using him as an enforcer when debts must be collected. Planning to enter Danny into a fight tournament and retire with the prize money, Bart disappears after a deadly driveby shooting. Danny flees and takes shelter with kindly piano tuner Sam (Morgan Freeman). Away from Bart s abusive control, Danny learns how to live like a human and begins investigating his past. Director: Louis Leterrier Producer: Luc Besson, Steve Chasman, PierreAnge Le Pogam Writer: Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen Stars: Jet Li, Bob Hoskins, Morgan Freeman Deadpool Blade 2 Blade Bad Boys 2 Fast 2 Furious Video quality 4K Ultra HD