Divine Divinity Soundtrack ( Full)
Divine Divinity OST. Composed by Kirill Pokrovsky. 0:00 Warrior 3:57 Dwarven Clockwork 6:57 Scorching Wind 11:23 Tangible Suspense 14:53 The Garden at the Edge of Nowhere 19:13 Roads Shaded by Green Leaves 22:57 Those who roam in the sewers 25:05 Halls Beneath the Ground 27:54 Crypts and Catacombs 30:13 Horror of the Walking Bones 31:59 Ominous Warnings 34:56 The Song of the Wind 37:08 Sighs of the Elvenkind 39:56 Forsaken by the Gods 41:38 Warring Winds and Crimson Tides 46:04 Drunk with Dwarven Mirth 48:12 The Flags of Freedom Fly High 51:10 Against Doom and Despair 54:04 The Four Seasons Singing 56:36 Heartbeats of Undeath 58:46 A Wind of Aleroth 1:01:10 Stones and Trees 1:04:42 They Whom Have Left Long Ago 1:08:18 Whispers from a Council Past 1:12:29 A Sense of Disorientation 1:14:00 At the Edge of Death 1:17:04 Just in Time for an Ale 1:20:28 An Avenue Of Lost Tales 1:24:27 Run, Zandalor, Run 1:26:56 R