The 7 Ups Car Chase Re edited
Philip D Antoni, the producer of BULLITT and THE FRENCH CONNECTION, directed his only feature film in 1973. THE SEVENUPS chase scene was the centerpiece of the action yarn and elevated the film into a cult classic. The chase was choreographed by the actor, stuntman Bill Hickman, who drives the dark blue Pontiac Grand Ville. Roy Scheider, who plays the lead role as police detective Buddy Manucci, did some of his own driving, but was doubled extensively by stuntman, Jerry Summers. While all the components were there, the chase, edited by Jerry Greenberg (THE FRENCH CONNECTION, THE TAKING OF PELHAM 1 2 3), was hampered by D Antoni s insistence to make the action scene 10 minutes long not the best edict to give a film editor. I have kept all the exciting bits and tried to tightened the screws to make this chase as filmically taut as possible. Those familiar with this film will be hardpressed to recognize what was trimmed. Enjoy