Spiraling Down Official Video
Spiraling Down Music written by Elise Levin and Kris Kesoglides of Fine Life Footage donated by PADI Video edited by Ron Geffen of Rockland Studio In homage of Shark Week 2021, we have released our newest single, Spiraling This song is our depiction of the brutalities of the shark fin trade. Shark finners will catch live sharks to cut off their fins, and will throw them back into the water. The shark, unable to swim, will then spiral down to the bottom of the ocean until it dies of either suffocation or starvation. The more awareness we can spread, and the more understanding people can obtain towards these species, the more likely we can save our sharks, save our seas, save our selves. As apex predators, their survival is crucial to sustain a healthy marine ecosystem for our oceans. Humans are currently slaughtering 100 million sharks each year That s 3 sharks every second 70 of shark populations have disappeared in the last fifty years. Sharks are a prehistoric creature, and have been ar