EPICA The Ghost In Me ( Danse Macabre) Official Music Video for Danse Macabre at efteling
Dare to dance with the dead Here is our eeriest creation: the music video for The Ghost in Me (Danse Macabre), a unique collaboration with Europes secondmost visited theme park, Netherlands magical efteling and their muchanticipated new attraction, Danse Macabre, which will open on October 31st. Met dank aan de Efteling TICKETS: MERCH: CREDITS Production: Remko Tielemans Maurice Tromp Director: Martijn Bastiaans Maurice Tromp DOP: Martijn Bastiaans Montage: Martijn Bastiaans Styling: Angela Kuperus Gaffer Grip: Gun Obuz Tessa Holmes (Westerpark Studio) Equipment: Westerpark Studio Kids: Pepijn Janssen Lena Stokkermans Choir: Joost van den Broek, Jeroen Verheij, FloorAnne van Vliet, Linda Janssen Maaike Verhoeven LYRICS The Ghost in Me (Danse Macabre) music: C. SaintSaëns, C. Janssen am