Yazhi ( Sophia) Swaruu MESSAGE TO THE CABAL Extraterrestrial Communication
This is Yazhis direct message to the controllers of the Earth, shadow government, Cabal, Illuminati, factions of the Federation, whoever is in charge of Earth. Inmediately cease what you are doing to the inhabitants of Earth Our website with transcripts and forums: COSMIC AGENCY WORLD CRISIS SUPPORT CENTER: Telegram: t. me, cosmicagencymainsupportcenter PETITIONS ONLY: t. me, joinchat, ZFBEmUggUwNWNk FB: TO SUPPORT COSMIC AGENCY WORK: Thank you :) ALL THE VIDEOS FROM THE BEGINNING (Playlist): COSMIC AGENCY UNCENSORED ON ODYSEE: SECOND COSMIC AGENCY CHANNEL (Back Up): Spanish Channel Agencia Cosmica: Roberts Channel Despejando En