Worlds First Double Arm Transplant: Its Science Fiction
On January 12, 2021, history was made. Felix Gretarsson underwent the worlds first double arm transplant. The journey took more than twenty years. How it happened is miraculous. Subscribe Be sure to follow Felix for regular updates on his incredible recovery, and life here: January 12, 1998. Felix Gretarsson was a young electrician working in Reykjavík, Iceland. The then 26yearold had two young daughters. One was 4 years old, and the other was just 3 months. Early that freezing January morning, Felix was sent to investigate a fault on one of the power lines in a remote area. The weather was minus 11 degrees Celsius, blowing in, in my face. I was keeping my head down, just walking and looking for the pole, which had been damaged. It was so hard to see what was happening. But, I went up the one which was meant to be correct. I reached up and grabbed