Trieste Elections (1949)
Trieste. SCU. Christian Democrat slogan painted on wall. MS. Large poster in street pan over street to Christian Democrat slogan on building. MS. Poster. MS. Men fixing up posters with host of others. MS. Front of building plastered with posters. MS. Elections slogan painted on roadway. MS. Banners and posters covering building. MS. Men posting election posters on building. SCU. Man pasting election poster. MS. Men pasting posters. LS. Three women walking along street. MS. CU. Men flyposting. MS. Men flyposting on plinth of monument. MS. Building and square in Trieste. LMS. MS. Orator addressing crowd at outdoor meeting. LS. Orator addressing meeting. LS. Crowds in street. LMS. Liberal party orator addressing crowd. LS. MS. Girl orator addressing crowd. SCU. Youth on lorries, scattering leaflets into streets. LS. Elevated crowded lorries, full of people waving flags, passing through streets ( 2 shots) SCU. People in election booth to cast votes MS. People queuing outside election booth. Guard at door reg