Heavenly Parents and the Children, God the Mother
Why Is It Important to Us That Isaac Was Chosen as Abrahams Heir In Abrahams family, neither Eliezer nor Ishmael received the inheritance. Isaac, the youngest, received the inheritance through his father and mother who were free. This is the lesson God teaches mankind. Even today, when we become the children of Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother through the new covenant, we can become the royal priesthood in heaven as Gods heirs. The Reason We Should Become Gods Children Who Call God Father and Mother When Jesus said, You have no part with Me, Peter was startled because only those who have part with God can be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven. This is why the members of the Church of God put all their heart into preaching God the Father and God the Mother to the whole world and enlightening them that the relationship between God and mankind is the relationship of Parents and children. Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and s