Princess Julianas Baby Christened (1938)
Titles read: PRINCESS JULIANA S BABY CHRISTENED. The Hague, Netherlands, Holland. Baby Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard is carried by her mother, Princess Juliana, and her father, Prince Bernhard, into their golden wedding coach. The coach rides through the town in a long procession past huge crowds of people; the Dutch national anthem ( ) is heard along with the cheers from the huge crowds. Inside the Cathedral, we see the guests arriving and several shots of the christening ceremony with natural sound. Baby Beatrix gurgles and cries. 80yearold Dr Welter performs the ceremony. The guests file out. Title reads: Through the nursery window. Hundreds of nurses and wellwishers wave flowers at the royal nursery window, where Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard are sitting with Princess Beatrix. Note: there is no commentary in this issue natural sound throughout. FILM A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, F