IMMANU EL acoustic performance on the balcony PRESENTED BY KAMIL DURSKI BalconyTV POZNAN, Poland BROUGHT TO YOU IN ASSOCIATION WITH, TWORZONE WE WSPÓŁPRACY Z: BUC Bardzo Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Cinematographer: Wojciech Paczyński Lights: Andrzej Szymczak Edit by Mikołaj Matuszewski IMMANU EL Sweden, Szwecja, , Panda ENGLISH, , IMMANU EL is a Swedish band, formed in 2004 by twin brothers Claes and Per Strängberg, with a sound of dynamic guitar and keyboard soundscapes, captive singing and with somewhat of a moving nordic presence. The music is focused at varying dynamics and a wide spectrum of harmonic expressions with sounds that can move between presence and ambience. Originally the band was inspired by early postrock and experimental music combined with pop and indierock influences. The ambition has, ever since the start in their mid teens, been to create something captiv br, br,