First Bath For Rescue Kitten, Cat Ringworm Medicated Bath, Lucky Pawison
We adopted a sick baby kitten, 35 days old, Twix. Cause the original owner didn t treat kittens properly. Her little brother was already dead. We use the UV light to check the ringworm. It s all over her body. Not only hair loss but also got crusty skin. The infection is pretty bad. It is the first night for Twix in the new home. Even this is a new environment for her. She was not scared at all. She starts licking my finger and purring. It seems she likes her new bed and home. Twix will need a medicated bath several times. But let s give her several days to adjust herself to the new home. I don t want to scare her and give her too much pressure immediately. Cause ringworm is infectious. So she needs to be isolated. When you recover, you will meet the whole family. She is so tired. It s been a long day. Have a good sleep. Don t worry nobody can hurt you anymore. We all love you. You will have a perfect life. Join Lucky Pawison Emoji and Wallpapers Membership: