Indian Elections (1952)
New Delhi, India. LS. Pandit Nehru election poster during Indian election campaign. LS. Crowd of Indians seated on the ground. MS. Pandit Nehru walking to address the crowd. LS. Nehru making speech no sound, MS. LS. MS. Sikh candidate, Sardar Daljit Singh, on bicycle with followers on bicycles riding through various streets and shouting his election programme to passers by. MS. Interior of poling station with ballot box, voters standing around the table. LS. Large numbers of Indian women, queuing outside polling stations. MS. Clerks working at ballot tables. MS. Baby feeding from mother s breast as mother is waiting to vote. MS. Clerks at ballot table. MS. Mothers and babies squatting on ground waiting to vote (several shots), MS. Three Indian women holding election papers. MS. Indian woman is shown to screen, she casts her vote behind the screen, then walks to ballot box. MS. Officials explaining to Indian how to fill in election paper. LS. MS. Queues outside polling station. MS. Voters receiving v