Make A Teeny Tiny Model Airplane Engine From Scratch
Patreon In today s video we are going to make and run a very small, 0. 1cc model airplane engine. Thanks to Richard Gordon for the designing the engine and making the plans available Some of the tools and supplies I use: These are Amazon Affiliate links and i will recieve a small share of any purchases. Sherline Lathe Sherline Mill Hand Tools: Diamond Sharpening Stone Files Watchmaker s Screwdrivers Dumont Straight Tweezers Dumont Curved Tweezers Magnifier Loupe Jewelers Saw Saw Blades (1, 0 3, 0 for this type of work)) Precision Tools: Steel Rule Dial Calipers Dial Indicator Indicator Base VBlocks Odds And Ends: Anodizing Dye Loctite Retaining Compound Oil Bottles Editing Rig: Computer Monitor Headphones Some Very Useful Books: Watchmaking Toolmaking Clock Repair Autobiography of a Superhuman Practical Watch Escapement