Monster Hunter Rise, Armor Skills
Check the pinned comment for fixes and notes as the community helps identify them. I did the timestamp work so you don t have to. 00:00 Intro 00:26 Affinity Sliding 01:07 Ammo Up 02:16 Ballistics 02:41 Blast Resistance 03:06 Brutal Strike 04:06 Bubbly Dance 04:52 Capture, Carving Master 05:36 Counterstrike 05:57 Critical Boost 06:21 Critical Draw 06:57 Defense Boost 07:25 Diversion 08:07 Divine Blessing 08:55 Dragonheart 09:11 Dulling Strike 09:36 Evade Window 10:11 Evade Extender 10:30 Elemental Attack 11:27 Elemental Resistance 12:35 Flinch Free 13:01 Focus 13:58 Geologist 14:31 Good Luck 15:33 Guard Up 15:48 Handicraft 16:47 Horn Maestro 17:03 Hunger Resistance 17:20 Item Prolonger 17:51 Jump Master 18:08 Latent Power 18:43 Load Shells 19:07 Marathon Runner 19:35 Master Mounter 20:13 Maximum Might 20:46 Minds Eye 21:45 Mushroomancer 22:17 Bowgun Ammo Up Skills 22:38 Of