Double Fudge Chapter 4 Richie Richest ( Read Aloud)
Double Fudge Chapter 4 Richie Richest By: Judy Blume Narrated By: Nana (Brenda Lovett) Produced By: Nana s Story Time with Brenda Lovett Chapter 4 Richie Richest Reading aloud for all babies and children This is Peter s first day in Seventh Grade he was worried about the fact that he is starting sort of as a new kid again. Fudge is not worried at all about his first year at a new school. He and Melissa skips happily all the way. Fudge has a new best friend after his first day and according to Fudge this boy Richie Potter and he is rich. Come find out all about this new Richie kid and see what happens with Peter and Fudge. Double Fudge Chapter 4 Richie Richest: