Breaking History Ep 18: The Clash of the Two Saudi Arabias
In this episode of Breaking History, Matt and Gordon discuss the history of Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, British intrigue and the fight between two opposing currents pulling the Arab world towards depopulation, radicalism and fascism on one hand and a progrowth renaissance on the other hand. What are the battles within Saudi Arabia s intelligentsia represented by these two factions Why was the Saudi king aisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud assassinated in 1975 How did the Muslim Brotherhood work to undermine Nasser s proindustrial development vision for Pan Arabism, and how did that same organization work with radical zionists to undermine the 1979 Camp David Accords for a Two State Solution culminating in the murder of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat in 1981 Why was Saudi Arabia targetted for regime change by the neocons and outlined in Richard Perle s Clean Break Doctrine of 1996 (along with Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran) What is the character of the d