The Woodland Punch And Judy (1932)
Over in the great forests of Germany, the travelling Punch and Judy man tours the villages Moving shot of a little trailer being pulled by a bicycle. M, S of man setting up his Punch and Judy sideshow in the middle of a wood. Every little Hans and Gretchen knows when the actors in the immortal Punch and Judy comedydrama C, U of Punch puppet. Good shot of the audience all little girls it seems. L, S of the show. Closer shot of some girls laughing. C, U of two puppets embracing. C, Us of little girls watching the show. M, S of a little boy sitting on a bench watching. C, U of the puppets the male puppet is stroking its moustache lasciviously All the world over they all love it Shots of the audience and the puppets. The girls are enthralled. C, Us of groups of girls very cute. All concentrating on the show. They all shout something in unison. L, S of Punch hitting another puppet with a piece of wood. Short shot of the girls applauding. Was an item in Eve s Fil