The ill conceived tiebreaker that led to five empty net goals in one game
Sports are easy. There is a winner, there is a loser, everyone goes home at the end of the day and enjoys a bowl of ice cream, there is nothing else to worry about. NO YOU KEEP QUIET I WON T HAVE YOU RUINING MY GOOD TIME OH GOD YOU CAN T DO THIS YOU CAN T KICK ME OUT OF MY OWN Hi everybody It s me, Tie. Hope you re having a very evenkeeled day. I know some of you might hate me, hence the existence of tiebreakers, but let s look at a time when tiebreakers were the reason for a very, very bad at least for the Montreal Canadiens. Hosted by Will Buikema and Ryan Nanni Illustrations and animations by Phil Pasternak Subscribe: Enter the Secret Base: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Twitch: Follow us on Tiktok: Check out our full video catalog: Visit our playlists: Explore SB Nation: